Da lunedì 26 a giovedì 29 giugno, dalle ore 9.00 alle ore 17.30, avrà luogo presso il Palazzo “La Sapienza” il convegno dal titolo “Converging Skills”.
Per la partecipazione è obbligatoria la registrazione entro e non oltre la data del 6 giugno 2023 (o fino a esaurimento posti disponibili). Registrati
Il convegno
The convergence of disciplines and technologies, the relationship between research and industries, the early collaboration between start-up companies and investors, cooperation between companies instead of competition are evident trends of social, cultural and economic growth. The event explores best practices world-wide in the above principles and delineates a road-map and a strategic vision to create a successful ecosystem of researchers, entrepreneurs and investors that believe in these principles and are willing to make a changes in current practices. The organizers have invited people from academic institutions and industries, investors, policy makers to seat together, share knowledge and experience and shaping a vision of the future.
26/06 – Start-ups and Corporate Venture
Startuppers will present their experience by sharing with us success stories and what they feel the most important support they received during the early days of their companies to reach the current stage. The take home message from start upper will be what really matter when you start a company to survive and scale.
Corporate ventures will share with us what they are looking for in research groups and young companies to invest in and what they are expecting after their investment.
There will be also presentations to show what governmental agencies are doing to support innovation and new entrepreneurial initiatives, how a start-up can help other start-ups offering services, how deep-tech can help sustainability.
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27/06 – Investors, banks, companies
The success of an ecosystem that wants to nurture new entrepreneurial initiatives depends also on the availability of venture capitals to support young company growth. Professional ventures, public funds and banks will share how they work, what they look in young companies to invest in, what they expect after the investment and what support they provide besides money. The take home message will be how a start-up must shape itself to become appealing to investors and how the ecosystem can help them to reach that target.
The end of the day will start exploring how companies interacts with universities and young company to satisfy their needs of innovation and how they interpret open innovation and knowledge sharing.
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28/06 – Companies
Multinational companies have a role in developing innovation ecosystems. They can act like investors or first costumers or both for young companies. They can provide a market outlook to founders and also help them creating the right company culture.
Many companies will present their approach with young companies and universities and what they are looking for to satisfy their innovation needs. The take home message will be what is the ideal interaction between multinational companies, universities and start-up for a win-win-win collaboration.
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29/06 – Incubators, accelerators, companies
Many successful incubators and accelerators will present their recipe for nurturing young companies and make them ready for the market or for an exit. The take home message will be what are the best practices world-wide in terms of services and support for start-up.
There will be also another session of companies that will show their approach to open innovation and co-creation of knowledge.
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Info e Contatti:
Corrado Priami